PR# 14762 Operating system signal in {ES_DOCKABLE_STONABLE_TOOL_PANEL}.synchronize in EiffelStudio.

Problem Report Summary
Submitter: ericbe
Category: EiffelStudio
Priority: Medium
Date: 2008/08/26
Class: Bug
Severity: Serious
Number: 14762
Confidential: No
Status: Closed
Environment: EiffelStudio GPL Edition - windows
Synopsis: Operating system signal in {ES_DOCKABLE_STONABLE_TOOL_PANEL}.synchronize in EiffelStudio.

******************************** Thread exception *****************************
In thread           Root thread            0x0 (thread id)
Class / Object      Routine                Nature of exception           Effect
                    synchronize @8         Segmentation violation:
                                           Operating system signal.      Fail
                    synchronize @8         
                                           Routine failure.              Fail
To Reproduce

Problem Report Interactions
From:ericbe    Date:2008/08/26    Download   
I didn't put an explanation on purpose. If you read my previous bug reports you will understand my irritation. Either you are happy with the exception traces as they are, or I'll stop sending them. If I want send a full bug report, it will not be through this EiffelStudio interface which does not allow me to try to reproduce the cause of the problem, or even might crash before actually sending the report to ISE as it already happened to me many time.

Glad to hear that this particular bug is fixed though. I noticed that EiffelStudio 6.3 is not very stable: lots of crashes after compiling. It happens twice to me yesterday, but I was not even able to send the exception trace from EiffelStudio. It crashed when I clicked on Send, which is definitely a waste of time when one spends time to precisely explain the cause of the problem.

From:paulbates    Date:2008/08/26    Status: Closed    Download   
Thanks for the report Eric, the bug is fixed in rev#74563.

This was a simple case to fix but given ES is becoming much more dynamic and as such, is it very useful to include a description of the events leading up to the crash. From the looks of things I would say this happened post-compilation or when adding/remove a class from the system, but it may not be that easy next time :)