PR# 19268 Crash when dealing with TYPE [TYPED_POINTER [...]]

Problem Report Summary
Submitter: gobobe
Category: EiffelBase
Priority: Medium
Date: 2016/09/04
Class: Bug
Severity: Serious
Number: 19268
Confidential: No
Status: Open
Responsible: manus_eiffel
Environment: Windows 10, VS 2015
Synopsis: Crash when dealing with TYPE [TYPED_POINTER [...]]

The following calls are crashing, regardless of the void-safe mode used (in workbench mode, I didn't try finalized):

  ({TYPED_POINTER [ANY]}).is_expanded
  ({TYPED_POINTER [ANY]}).is_attached
  ({TYPED_POINTER [BOOLEAN]}).generic_parameter_count
  ({TYPED_POINTER [INTEGER_16]}).generic_parameter_type (1)
  ({TYPED_POINTER [ANY]}).has_default

They work fine when "TYPED_POINTER [...]" is replaced by another (non-generic) expanded type such as INTEGER_16 (basic) or UTF_CONVERTER (non-basic).
Looking at eif_built_in.h, I suspect that the problem is in "eif_gen_param(Dftype(obj)" when the represented type is expanded generic.

Eric Bezault

To Reproduce

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