PR# 19345 Maintenance request: Curl library C header file is very out of date

Problem Report Summary
Submitter: finnianr
Category: Other
Priority: High
Date: 2017/04/06
Class: Support
Severity: Serious
Number: 19345
Confidential: No
Status: Closed
Responsible: jvelilla
Environment: linux
Synopsis: Maintenance request: Curl library C header file is very out of date

I have put this support request under the class heading "Support", but a better class heading would be "Maintenance Request". "Feature Request" doesn't quite fit the situation.

The Curl library C header file is very out of date and can no longer be used to write certain applications.

For example to verify an instant payment notification from Paypal as in this PHP example. You cannot write the equivalent code for this with the current Eiffel curl library because there is no CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_2. Paypal now insists on this SSL version as part of a recent security upgrade.

To Reproduce

Problem Report Interactions
From:jvelilla    Date:2017/09/11    Status: Closed    Download   
The Curl library C header has been updated to the version 7.55.1

From:finnianr    Date:2017/04/12    Status: Analyzed    Download   
Hi Jocelyn,
I am using my own wrapper from Eiffel-loop which has some minimal dependencies on the ES library.
For the Posix implementation I have changed it to use the headers and so modules from the distribution provided development package. 
I have looked into upgrading the Windows implementation but ran into a problem finding a complete set of prebuilt dlls. All the Windows ones I inspected here are incomplete: They have libcurl.dll, but there is no SSL dll. I don't really have the time to set up a build from source. I decided to make do with the existing implementation for Windows.

From:jfiat_es    Date:2017/04/10    Status: Analyzed    Download   
Hi Finnian,

We will look into updating the Eiffel cURL wrapper.
(If ever you already change the code on your side, don't hesitate to share the patch in the report or via the pull request system.)